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All the models have a created_at and updated_at field. These fields are automatically updated when the model is created or updated. They are not editable by the user.


The Service model encapsulates a service provided by the appointment system.

Service Fields:

  • name (CharField): The name of the service.
  • description (TextField): Description of the service.
  • duration (DurationField): Duration of the service.
  • price (DecimalField): Price of the service.
  • down_payment (DecimalField): Down payment for the service.
  • image (ImageField): Image representing the service.
  • currency (CharField): Currency for the price.
  • background_color (CharField): Background color for the service presentation.

Service Methods:

  • to_dict: Returns a dictionary representation of the service.
  • get_duration_parts: Returns the duration of the service as a tuple of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • get_duration: Returns the duration of the service in a human-readable format (as a string).
  • get_price: Returns the price of the service.
  • get_currency_icon: Returns the currency symbol.
  • get_price_text: Returns a formatted price text (as a string) that you can use in your HTML code.
  • get_down_payment: Returns the down payment amount for the service.
  • get_down_payment_text: Returns a formatted down payment text that you can use in your HTML code.
  • get_image_url: Returns the URL of the image associated with the service.
  • is_a_paid_service: Returns whether the service is paid (true of false).
  • accepts_down_payment: Returns whether the service accepts a down payment (true of false).


The StaffMember model represents a staff member in the appointment system. A staff member is a user that offers one or more services in the one defined by the admin. He can't edit/add/delete services but can choose which one he offers. He can update his profile, change his working hours or add vacation days (days off).

StaffMember Fields:

  • user (OneToOneField): Related User model instance, will be granted Django's staff status.
  • services_offered (ManyToManyField): Services offered by the staff member.
  • slot_duration (PositiveIntegerField): Minimum time for an appointment in minutes.
  • lead_time (TimeField): Time when the staff member starts working.
  • finish_time (TimeField): Time when the staff member stops working.
  • appointment_buffer_time (FloatField): Buffer time for the first available slot.
  • work_on_saturday (BooleanField): Whether the staff member works on Saturday.
  • work_on_sunday (BooleanField): Whether the staff member works on Sunday.

StaffMember Methods:

  • get_slot_duration: Returns the slot duration.
  • get_slot_duration_text: Returns the slot duration in a human-readable format.
  • get_lead_time: Returns the lead time defined by the staff member first else default one.
  • get_finish_time: Returns the finish time defined by the staff member first else default one.
  • works_on_both_weekends_day: Returns whether the staff member works on both weekend days.
  • get_staff_member_name: Returns the name of the staff member.
  • get_staff_member_first_name: Returns the first name of the staff member.
  • get_non_working_days: Returns a list of non-working days.
  • get_weekend_days_worked_text: Returns a string representation of the weekend days worked.
  • get_services_offered: Returns the services offered by the staff member.
  • get_service_offered_text: Returns a string representation of the services offered.
  • get_appointment_buffer_time: Returns the appointment buffer time.
  • get_appointment_buffer_time_text: Returns the appointment buffer time in a human-readable format.
  • get_days_off: Returns the days off for the staff member.
  • get_working_hours: Returns the working hours for the staff member.
  • update_upon_working_hours_deletion: Updates the weekend working status upon deletion of working hours.
  • is_working_day: Returns whether a given day is a working day (true or false).


The AppointmentRequest model represents an appointment request made by a client. It is not yet an appointment, and it is not associated with the client. It is created when the client chooses a service, staff member, and date/time for the appointment (See screenshot below).

Choosing staff member and date/time for appointment

It will be linked to an appointment when the client enters their information. We make sure that the start time is before the end time and on save, we generate an id_request if none exists, make sure that the appointment request date is not in the past.

AppointmentRequest Fields:

  • date (DateField): The date of the appointment request.
  • start_time (TimeField): The starting time of the appointment.
  • end_time (TimeField): The ending time of the appointment, set automatically by adding service duration.
  • service (ForeignKey): The service being requested, linking to the Service model.
  • staff_member (ForeignKey): The staff member assigned to the appointment, linking to the StaffMember model.
  • payment_type (CharField): The type of payment for the appointment (e.g., 'full').
  • id_request (CharField): An ID for the appointment request.

AppointmentRequest Methods:

  • get_service_name: Returns the name of the service.
  • get_service_price: Returns the price of the service.
  • get_service_down_payment: Returns the down payment amount for the service.
  • get_service_image: Returns the image of the service.
  • get_service_image_url: Returns the URL of the service's image.
  • get_service_description: Returns the description of the service.
  • get_id_request: Returns the ID of the appointment request.
  • is_a_paid_service: Returns whether the service is paid.
  • accepts_down_payment: Returns whether the service accepts a down payment.


The Appointment model represents an appointment made by a client. It is created when the client confirms the appointment request.

Appointment Fields:

  • client (ForeignKey): The client who made the appointment, linking to the User model.
  • appointment_request (OneToOneField): The appointment request that was confirmed.
  • phone (PhoneNumberField): The client's phone number.
  • address (CharField): A general address for the client (e.g., city and state).
  • want_reminder (BooleanField): Indicates if the client wants a reminder.
  • additional_info (TextField): Any additional information provided by the client.
  • paid (BooleanField): Indicates if the appointment has been paid for.
  • amount_to_pay (DecimalField): The amount to be paid for the appointment.
  • id_request (CharField): An ID for the appointment.

Appointment Methods:

  • get_client_name: Returns the full name of the client.
  • get_date: Returns the date of the appointment.
  • get_start_time: Returns the starting time of the appointment.
  • get_end_time: Returns the ending time of the appointment.
  • get_service: Returns the service associated with the appointment.
  • get_service_name: Returns the name of the service.
  • get_service_duration: Returns the duration of the service.
  • get_staff_member_name: Returns the name of the staff member associated with the appointment.
  • get_staff_member: Returns the staff member associated with the appointment.
  • get_service_price: Returns the price of the service.
  • get_service_down_payment: Returns the down payment amount for the service.
  • get_service_img: Returns the image of the service.
  • get_service_img_url: Returns the URL of the service's image.
  • get_service_description: Returns the description of the service.
  • get_appointment_date: Returns the date of the appointment.
  • is_paid: Returns if the appointment has been paid for.
  • is_paid_text: Returns a string representation of the paid status.
  • get_appointment_amount_to_pay: Returns the amount to be paid for the appointment.
  • get_appointment_amount_to_pay_text: Returns a formatted amount to pay text.
  • get_appointment_currency: Returns the currency of the appointment price.
  • get_appointment_id_request: Returns the ID of the appointment.
  • set_appointment_paid_status: Sets the paid status of the appointment.
  • get_absolute_url: Returns the absolute URL for the appointment.
  • get_background_color: Returns the background color of the service.
  • is_valid_date: Static method that checks if a given date is valid for an appointment.
  • is_owner: Returns whether the given user is the owner of the appointment.
  • to_dict: Returns a dictionary representation of the appointment.


The Config model represents configuration settings for the appointment system. There can only be one Config object in the database. If you want to change the settings, you must edit the existing Config object.

Config Fields:

  • slot_duration (PositiveIntegerField): Minimum time for an appointment in minutes.
  • lead_time (TimeField): The time when work starts.
  • finish_time (TimeField): The time when work stops.
  • appointment_buffer_time (FloatField): The time between the current moment and the first available slot for the current day (does not affect the next day).
  • website_name (CharField): The name of the website.
  • app_offered_by_label (CharField): Label offered by on appointment's page. Can be anything you want i.e.: choose photographer or choose dentist etc... (See screenshot below).


Config Methods:

  • delete: Overrides the default delete method to prevent deletion of the Config object once created.
  • get_instance: Class method that returns the single instance of the Config object or creates one if it doesn't exist.


The PaymentInfo model represents payment information for an appointment.

PaymentInfo Fields:

  • appointment (ForeignKey): The appointment for which the payment information is associated, linking to the Appointment model.

PaymentInfo Methods:

  • get_id_request: Returns the ID of the associated appointment.
  • get_amount_to_pay: Returns the amount to be paid for the associated appointment.
  • get_currency: Returns the currency of the associated appointment's price.
  • get_name: Returns the name of the service associated with the appointment.
  • get_img_url: Returns the URL of the service's image associated with the appointment.
  • set_paid_status: Sets the paid status of the associated appointment.
  • get_user_name: Returns the first name of the client who made the appointment.
  • get_user_email: Returns the email of the client who made the appointment.


The EmailVerificationCode model represents an email verification code for a user when the email already exists in the database or when a user wants to change email addresses.

EmailVerificationCode Fields:

  • user (ForeignKey): The user associated with the verification code, linking to the User model.
  • code (CharField): The verification code itself.

EmailVerificationCode Methods:

  • generate_code: Class method that generates a unique code comprised of uppercase letters and digits. It then associates this code with the provided user and saves it in the database. This method returns the generated code.
  • check_code: Compares the provided code with the stored code for the user and returns a boolean indicating if they match.


The DayOff model represents a day off for a staff member. It has to be set for both holidays and vacations. If not, clients will be able to book appointments on those days. start_date and end_date are checked to make sure that the start date is before the end date.

DayOff Fields:

  • staff_member (ForeignKey): The staff member who has the day off, linking to the StaffMember model.
  • start_date (DateField): The start date of the day off.
  • end_date (DateField): The end date of the day off.
  • description (CharField): A brief description or reason for the day off.

DayOff Methods:

  • is_owner: Returns a boolean indicating if the given user ID matches the user ID of the staff member associated with the day off.


The WorkingHours model represents the working hours for a staff member on a specific day of the week. start_time is checked to make sure that it is before end_time.

WorkingHours Fields:

  • staff_member (ForeignKey): The staff member associated with the working hours, linking to the StaffMember model.
  • day_of_week (PositiveIntegerField): The day of the week, with choices defined by DAYS_OF_WEEK.
  • start_time (TimeField): The start time of the working hours.
  • end_time (TimeField): The end time of the working hours.

WorkingHours Methods:

  • get_start_time: Returns the start time of the working hours.
  • get_end_time: Returns the end time of the working hours.
  • get_day_of_week_str: Returns the name of the day.
  • is_owner: Returns a boolean indicating if the given user ID matches the user ID of the staff member associated with the working hours.


  • unique_together: Ensures that each combination of staff_member and day_of_week is unique.